Development without displacement? A realty reality?

The concept of "development without displacement" is being discussed on several, national US platforms.

Architectural Record recently dedicated its October issue to the matter of housing ( and cited several US markets where housing has far exceeded income. Approaching the matter from a first world perspective, the issue asks how--and if--architects can be a force for change.

Ultimately, Architects have little control. Architects require benefactors, those paying for their artistic, civilization-creating services when DEMAND requires it. Architects do not create the program, their clients do, and it is the client who ultimately determines the end goal. For instance, a developer comes to an Architect with a site and asks for 100 units of a certain size that will be marketed toward a certain demographic; it is the Architect's job to creatively package a design that answers the developer's need.

Fundamentally, the numbers behind development drives everything.

So, how do we change?

Let's start by changing banking and offering alternative modes of property ownership (ala Coop's).

What do you think will work?



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